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疏水阀 氨用阀
呼吸阀 阻火器
For seam steel pipes, the tolerance of the perpendicular angle between the end of the pipe and the axis is not more than 0.5. Pour a 0.2×45 break, and the connection port should be polished and smooth, and the surface should not have burrs and uneven surfaces. When...[详细]
The ferrule joint is composed of three parts: the joint body, the ferrule and the nut. Insert the ferrule and the nut sleeve into the joint body on the steel pipe. When tightening the nut, the outer side of the front end of the ferrule is adhered to the cone surface of th...[详细]
Ball valve (ball valve), a valve in which the opening and closing part (ball) is driven by the valve stem and rotates around the axis of the ball valve. It can also be used for fluid adjustment and control. The hard-sealed V-shaped ball valve has a strong shear f...[详细]
The ferrule ball valve, also called the double ferrule ball valve, is connected with the pipe by ferrule to prevent water leakage and is made of metal. When the nut is tightened, the ferrule is under pressure, so that its blade bites into the outer wall of the pipe,...[详细]
The ferrule joint is widely used in daily life and is a well-known tool accessory. The ferrule type joint has the advantages of simple structure, convenient use and no welding, which brings a lot of convenience to people's production and life.  ...[详细]
In recent years,reduced ferrule air source ball valvehas been welcomed by many businesses due to its low price and high quality. However, there are many manufacturers of reducing ferrule air source ball valves on the market now. How to choose a good quality reducing ferrule air so...[详细]
一、防泥沙蝶阀产品概述 防泥沙蝶阀的设计思路来字宁夏引黄工程。针对黄河水泥沙含量大(zui大含量为80Kg/立方米,年平均含沙量4。133Kg/立方米)的特点,在总结以往经验教训的基础上,经反复试验和改进而开发的新一代放泥沙蝶阀。如今大多数城市都严重缺水...[详细]
水处理行业是环保行业的重要分支,主要包括废水处理、污水处理、中水处理、净水处理,还有污泥处理。水处理行业蝶阀用的比较多,自动化控制多,PLC控制,电动蝶阀作为,控制系统的终端执行机构,可以做切断或调节作用。 以净水控制为例,PLC控制系统电动蝶阀...[详细]
三偏心多层次法兰蝶阀在使用过程中存在的问题如下: 一、由于三偏心多层次法兰蝶阀多层软硬叠式密封圈固定在阀板上,当阀板常开状态时介质对其密封面形成正面冲刷,金属片夹层中的软密封带受冲刷后,直接影响密封性能。 二、三偏心多层次法兰蝶阀受结构条件...[详细]
电动调节阀安装使用时要注意以下几方面: (1)调节阀属于现场仪表,要求环境温度应-25~60℃范围,相对湿度95%。是安装露天或高温场合,应采取防水、降温措施。有震源方要远离振源或增加防振措施。 (2)调节阀一般应垂直安装,特殊情况下可以倾斜,如倾斜角度...[详细]







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