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The difference between stainless steel 304 and stainless steel 316

时间: 2023-01-01 12:09:06 作者:超级管理员 来源:本站 点击: 544 次

      First of all, 316 stainless steel contains Mo, which has better corrosion resistance than 304 stainless steel in high temperature environments, so in high temperature environments, engineers generally choose 316 material parts.

      Secondly, there are differences between the two in terms of grades; 304 stainless steel corresponds to Chinese grade 0Cr18Ni9; 316 stainless steel corresponds to Chinese grade 0Cr17Ni12Mo2.

      Third, 316 mainly reduces the Cr content, increases the Ni content and increases Mo2%~3%. Therefore, its corrosion resistance is stronger than that of 304, and it is suitable for use in chemical, seawater and other environments. Similarly, the cost of 316 is also higher than that of 304. Generally, 316 is used in places with higher requirements instead of 304.

      Its practical naked eye can roughly see the difference between stainless steel 304 and 316, polished with a portable grinder to see the sparks; there is a more intuitive method of identification, using stainless steel potion for identification; the other is to use a portable spectrometer, which is the most reliable The detection method. 







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