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Analysis of common thread dimensions

时间: 2022-12-10 19:19:13 作者:超级管理员 来源:本站 点击: 211 次

Analysis of common thread size:

A series of dimensions are required for the machining of common thread by CNC lathe. The calculation and analysis of the dimensions required for the machining of common threadmainly include the following two aspects:

1. Workpiece diameter before thread processing:

Considering the expansion of the thread processing teeth, the workpiece diameter before the thread processing is D/D-0.1p, that is, the large diameter of the thread is reduced by 0.1 pitch. Generally, according to the material deformation ability, the diameter of the thread is smaller than 0.1 to 0.5.

2, thread machining feed:

The feed quantity of thread can refer to the bottom diameter of thread, that is, the final feed position of thread cutter.

Thread path: large diameter -2 times the tooth height; Tooth height = 0.54P (P is pitch).

The feed amount of thread processing should be continuously reduced, and the specific feed amount should be selected according to the tool and working material.







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