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Stainless steel flange ball valve

时间: 2023-01-01 12:11:54 作者:超级管理员 来源:本站 点击: 429 次

     The installation and connection method of the stainless steel flange ball valve is flange. The opening and closing part (ball) of the stainless steel flange ball valve is driven by the valve stem and rotates around the axis of the ball valve. It can also be used for fluid regulation and control. The hard-sealed V-shaped ball valve has a strong shear force between the V-shaped core and the metal seat of the hard alloy surfacing. The stainless steel flanged ball valve is especially suitable for fiber and Medium of tiny solid particles. Stainless steel ball valves are widely used in petroleum refining, long-distance pipelines, chemicals, papermaking, pharmaceuticals, water conservancy, electric power, municipal administration, steel and other industries, and occupy a pivotal position in the national economy.

     The multi-port ball valve can not only flexibly control the confluence, diversion and flow direction switching of the medium, but also close any one channel and connect the other two channels. This valve should be installed horizontally in the pipeline. Ball valve types are divided into pneumatic ball valves, electric ball valves and manual ball valves according to the driving mode. 







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