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How to do the anti-corrosion work of the double ferrule ball valve?

时间: 2023-01-01 12:12:51 作者:超级管理员 来源:本站 点击: 436 次

  The double ferrule ball valve can be said to be a very important part of the instrument measurement pipeline system, and it can also play the role of opening or cutting off the pipeline. And because of its very good sealing performance, it has also become a product that will be used in many industries. However, in the process of use, if you do not pay attention to some details, it is also very easy to be corroded. So how can the double ferrule ball valve do the anti-corrosion work? Below I will give you a brief introduction.

  First of all, if you want to make the double ferrule ball valve anti-corrosion, you need to choose some stainless steel 304/316 materials. It can be said that there are many anti-corrosion materials on the market now, but if the selection is not particularly appropriate, it will also be corroded.

Secondly, in addition to paying attention to the corresponding material selection, there is another point that needs special attention when choosing (double ferrule ball valve), then pay attention to consider stainless steel special steel materials, such as the selected Martens Steel, austenitic steel, austenitic-ferritic (duplex) stainless steel and precipitation hardening stainless steel, etc., can better play a role in anti-corrosion.

  In addition, in order to have a better anti-corrosion effect, some metals with high corrosion resistance and heat resistance can also be selected as the main material of the valve under normal pressure and high temperature. 







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