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Which pipes are suitable for stainless steel pipe socket connection, ferrule connection and clamp connection?

时间: 2023-01-01 12:18:01 作者:超级管理员 来源:本站 点击: 453 次

The connection form of the pipeline - socket connection, ferrule connection, and clamp connection are all well suited. The applications are as follows:

1) Socket connection: Water supply, drainage, chemical and urban gas pipelines often use cast iron pipes, concrete pipes, ceramic pipes and plastic pipes, which are mostly socket connections. Socket connection is a form of connection in which the socket of the pipe (pipe fitting) is inserted into the socket of the pipe, and the surrounding is filled with packing for sealing.

2) ferrule connection: There are many types of ferrule connection, such as extrusion type, expansion type, self-supporting type and bite type. At present, the commonly used in our country is the extrusion type and the bite type. The extrusion type is suitable for the connection of plastic pipes and aluminum-plastic composite pipes; the bite type is suitable for the connection of steel pipes. Stainless Steel Clamp Connection Stainless Steel Grooved Connection.

3) Clamp connection: Clamp connection is also called groove connection. It is connected to the pipe by means of a clamp connection. When connecting, grooves need to be machined on the connected pipes. For pipes connected by clamps, the grooves, rubber sealing rings and clamps must be matching qualified products.







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