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Single ferrule ball valve

时间: 2022-01-01 12:31:29 作者:超级管理员 来源:本站 点击: 776 次


Product Name: single ferrule ball valve

Product model: QG.Y1

Connection mode: compression ferrule

Product material: stainless steel 304 / 316

Ferrule size: Ф6、Φ8、Ф10、Φ12、Ф14、Φ16、Ф18、Φ20、Ф22

Product pressure: ≤ 6.4 MPa

Operating temperature: ≤ 200 ℃

Medium used: water, oil, weak corrosive medium, etc

Handle color: red, yellow, blue

Handle material: 304, 201

Product Description:

The ferrule ball valve is mainly composed of a joint body with a 24 degree conical hole, a ferrule with a sharp inner edge and a compression nut. When tightening the nut, the ferrule is pushed into the 24 degree conical hole and deformed accordingly, so that the ferrule forms a spherical contact seal with the conical surface in the joint body; At the same time, the inner edge of the ferrule is embedded into the outer wall of the steel pipe 4, and a circular groove is pressed out on the outer wall, so as to play the role of reliable sealing. For the steel pipe, the 20# fine drawn pipe with stress relief annealing shall be selected, which is conducive to the embedding of the inner edge of the ferrule into the outer surface of the steel pipe and plays a reliable sealing role.

Mechanism diagram of single ferrule ball valve:


Connection size of single ferrule ball valve:

SpecificationsDOLL1H44Nominal pressure

This content is reproduced https://en.kataoqiufa.cn/






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